So, I'm doing Weight Watchers on my own. Any time I spend going to a WW meeting is also time that I could be at Jazzercise, and I don't think I'd stick with the on-line version. So, I bought a new journaling book/tracker thing on e-Bay and read through my old materials.
Anyway, at the end of each week in the journal, they ask you to list your accomplishments of the past week. I thought I'd share:
I journaled every single bite I put in my mouth. I did not journal the sniffs that I took when my friend was drinking courvoisier. They were only sniffs.
I'm letting myself be comfortable with being a little, tiny bit hungry. I needed to remember what that felt like.
I made a new 0 point recipe: roasted chickpeas. Not the same as chips, but definitely enough to ward off a craving.
I did not order a 3rd glass of wine or dessert when out to dinner with friends.
Yet again, I went over my 35 flex points for the weekend, this time by 7. Definitely got to work on that and figure out how to be more intentional about them.
Next week, I plan to only use 4 flex points on Friday night for 2 glasses of prosecco (I LOVE it !); maybe just 4 again on Saturday night, and then make a plan for what I want to have on Sunday. However, I will not exceed 35 points, and I'd like to get it lower.
congrats on journalling everything. That really is key, and something I have a hard time doing -- most days I forget to brush my hair, lol!