Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hell Yeah !

Two good days down, four to six more good days and I'll see lower numbers on the scale.

I ended Monday at 25 WW points (I should be at 22) and I'll end today with 22 WW points. It's not so much the points that matter to me - but more the fact that I ate health-fully and controlled my eating.

I have needed about 6 oz. of diet coke in the morning, though. I pour out half as soon as I open the can because I really don't need all of it, but I do like a little taste of it after breakfast.

I'm experiencing some mild tension/anxiety due to work and personal stuff - my mind is contstantly thinking "what comes next, what should I be doing now ?" I feel the tension in my shoulders.

Normally I can quiet that tension with a little debbie snack-cake (or 2) and a diet coke. Seriously - I can feel the sugar kick in and I can feel myself relax.

Today I tried carrots, canteloupe, meditating, and deep breathing. Nothing worked quite the same - annoying.

Actually, I'll bet you $10 that a jazzercise class would have taken care of it, but the DH is out of town and I am fresh out of babysitters.

I can't wait to do this again tomorrow. Seriously.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm ready

The sugar detox is complete. I had a piece of birthday cake at a birthday party today and while it tasted good it didn't illicit the chain reactions of sugar cravings, so that felt good.

I'm ready to start counting weight watchers points tomorrow. Here's what I've done:
  1. Gotten out my WW notebook and turned to the right page. I will be writing down everything I eat.
  2. Sketched out my meal plan for the next 5 days, staying within 21-22 points each day (my husband is out of town and my babysitters all went back to college so I won't be going to jazzercise to earn any extra points. Walking my 12 year old dog or playing with my kids at the park is good, but in my book it doesn't earn me points).
  3. Purchased all the food I need for the week.
  4. Right now, I'm just about to start my meal prep for the week, but wanted to take a quick break to post.
  5. I need to move the diet coke to the back of the fridge so I'm not tempted to grab one in the morning. I don't need it and I feel like it makes my body want more sugar.

I feel excited. I don't have any events that majorly involve food on the horizon for the next 10 days, except for a kids birthday party (which will likely involve a home-made from scratch cake. Ooh, must use my flex points for that day). In 10 days I'm going on a ladies only family reunion which will likely involve a lot of food, but not necessarily a lot of sweets. And I tend to be better about my eating when other people are around, plus I'll have the opportunity to get lots of sleep and exercise.

I can do this. I've done it before and I can do it again.

I. will. do. this.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Keeping On

Today is the third day of my re-commitment to healthy eating. I'm detoxing from desserts/high sugar foods/junk foods for 4 days (Monday - Thursday) and then I'll re-start counting WW points on Monday.

Days 1 and 2 went really well. Day 3, today, I accidentally ate a small bag of chips. It was definitely accidental - the girls and I were at a festival of sorts and I was patting myself on the back for not getting a funnel cake as I'm eating the damn chips ! Luckily it was only 4 points worth.

Day 2 was really an accomplishment because I was home by myself all day - luckily I didn't have any trigger foods in the house and I didn't go out and buy any. Whew !

Ramona and I are going to a birthday party later today - not sure what I'm going to do about that. I'm guessing that it will be a store bought cake, so it will be easy to have a small piece, if any at all.

What I'm finding now is the sense of accomplishment again from staying in control and making good choices. It's awesome.

My husband is away Sunday night - Thursday night and that will be tough. I'll be going to the grocery store on Sunday before he goes for a big shop to make sure I'm stocked up on what we need so that I don't have to take the girls out to eat.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


So, my birthday was two days ago and I am up an additional 2 pounds. Bringing my net weight loss to 10 pounds. SINCE MARCH PEOPLE. 10 POUNDS IN 6 MONTHS ? SERIOUSLY ???

The thing is, I know how to do this. I've done it. I lost 14 pounds in 7 weeks by eating healthy and exercising. I can do this.

But it's hard, and time consuming, and annoying.

But when I eat right I feel so. much. better.

The beauty of WW is that you can splurge one day a week and not gain weight (at least I could). And that's exactly the sort of plan I need. But what if there's more than one day in the week where you can't avoid going over your points.

This weekend I'm got dinner with friends on Friday, a long-awaited fancy dinner with the husband on Saturday, and then cake in the office on Tuesday for MY birthday. In theory, none of these things should cause weight gain when managed appropriately.

So, here's my plan:
Friday: walk/jog with marathon running friend in the a.m. Will boost my metabolism to help burn off Friday night's debauchery and encourage me to follow WW eating plan on Friday. Will be permitted small dessert, preferably sharing with friend.
Saturday: Jazzercise in the morning (natch) and WW eating plan on Saturday. Again, will be permitted to share dessert with husband.
Sunday: WW eating plan. Kids birthday party in the late morning, but I might be able to avoid most of the pitfalls there. Perhaps walk with children/husband. I don't expect to actually burn calories on this walk but perhaps it will boost my metabolism a little bit.
Monday: WW eating plan. Walk again by self or with children/husband
Tuesday: WW eating plan, with cake. Jazzercise at night.
Wednesday: Back to regular WW eating plan and Jazzercise schedule.

The next three months are really busy for our family with one thing and another. But March - April was also really busy and I managed to lose weight then and I can do it again.

Key for me ? Staying on schedule. Doing household chores at their assigned time, making dinner when I'm supposed to make it, getting to bed on time so I'm not tired the next day.

Speaking of which . . .