Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm ready

The sugar detox is complete. I had a piece of birthday cake at a birthday party today and while it tasted good it didn't illicit the chain reactions of sugar cravings, so that felt good.

I'm ready to start counting weight watchers points tomorrow. Here's what I've done:
  1. Gotten out my WW notebook and turned to the right page. I will be writing down everything I eat.
  2. Sketched out my meal plan for the next 5 days, staying within 21-22 points each day (my husband is out of town and my babysitters all went back to college so I won't be going to jazzercise to earn any extra points. Walking my 12 year old dog or playing with my kids at the park is good, but in my book it doesn't earn me points).
  3. Purchased all the food I need for the week.
  4. Right now, I'm just about to start my meal prep for the week, but wanted to take a quick break to post.
  5. I need to move the diet coke to the back of the fridge so I'm not tempted to grab one in the morning. I don't need it and I feel like it makes my body want more sugar.

I feel excited. I don't have any events that majorly involve food on the horizon for the next 10 days, except for a kids birthday party (which will likely involve a home-made from scratch cake. Ooh, must use my flex points for that day). In 10 days I'm going on a ladies only family reunion which will likely involve a lot of food, but not necessarily a lot of sweets. And I tend to be better about my eating when other people are around, plus I'll have the opportunity to get lots of sleep and exercise.

I can do this. I've done it before and I can do it again.

I. will. do. this.

1 comment:

  1. You. Will. Do. This!

    (okay, so that sounds bossy and I wanted it to sound supportive so read it again with a supportive tone ;) )
