Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Three Days

I've exercised for three days in a row.

Three days !  Just a couple more and I'll be in a habit !!!

I'm following a Couch to 5K plan to walk/jog a 5K in five weeks.

Saturday and today I did intervals: "run 1 minute/walk 3 minutes" for a total of 30 minutes, plus a five minute walk for a warm up and a cool down.

Yesterday was a "rest" day, so I did a 20 minute walk at a moderate pace.

Tomorrow I'm going to go to Jazzercise.

Wednesday is going to be hard - I'm going to have to do that walk/run combo IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD in the early morning which means that people might see me which is going to be totally embarrassing.

I've been getting shin splints while walking and running.  So I google researched it, adjusted my form for running, and now I only get them while walking, so the run parts actually feel like a relief !

But still, three days in a row.  I can't stop now.

1 comment:

  1. This is really awesome. I have not heard of the couch to 5k plan but it sounds like something to look into. I am starting to lose weight as well so anything that works is always worth trying.

    Online PhD by Dora
