Sunday, August 22, 2010

And here we go again . . .

I've been posting on an off for the past few months, but I need to get re-motivated so here's a quick recap:

Been overweight since I was 21 - just about 15-20 pounds then.

Lost that 15-20 pounds by the time I was 23. Kept it off until I was 26, started grad school, got stressed, gained 20 pounds by the time I was 32. Size 14.

Had 2 kids, gained while pregnant, lost afterwards. Size 14/16 at this point. Age 34.5.

Gained another 5 pounds. Size 16/18. Age 35.5

Gained another 2 pounds and lost my shit. Age 36.

Started jazzercise and went intermittently until 36.5.

At 36.5 years of age, I started following Weight Watchers plan on my own and going to jazzercise 3 times a week. I lost 14 pounds, went down one size to a 14/16, then gained back 2 pounds.

I've plateaued for the past 3 months. I stick to the WW plan 4 days a week, indulge a little the other 3 days but with going to jazzercise 2-3 times a week I'm maintaining.

But maintaining isn't enough for me. I need to LOSE IT !

Since Stacy started her diet blog, I'm going to restart mine. More coming . . .


  1. Woohoo!! A diet blog buddy!!

    We can do this!!

  2. Lets do this! Fat kicking here we come!!!

  3. You can do it. It is hard work and involves a lot of retraining of yourself. I did WW several years ago and lost 45 pounds...then I put 35 of it back on. Started my life change Jan 1. I'm now down 35 pounds. I've found that, actually, if you don't give into the sweets, then eventually you lose the taste for them. However, if you give in once, it is sometimes like starting all over again. My current addiction for a snack are the Quaker Oat Squares, cinnamon flavor. Sometimes, mix some in low fat vanilla yogurt. That satisfies any cravings for sweets I have.

    Keep it up. You'll succeed. Don't let you beat yourself up on any little slips.
