Sunday, February 28, 2010


I'm starting tomorrow and here's my plan:

Follow weight watchers - 23 pts per day.
Plan to go to Jazzercise 5 times per week. Make minimum of 2 classes, preferably 3.
No soda before 12 noon. Try to have water with lunch.
Work up to only one soda per day.
Eat protein in the morning. Minimal sugar before 12 noon.
Try to not eat a lot of convenience foods (granola bars, frozen dinners, etc.)

My daytime eating will be roughly the same, although I work in an office three days per week.

8am - Breakfast
2% cottage cheese (2)
6 oz. light V-8 juice (1)
9:15am Snack on way to work
whole wheat mini bagel (2)
10am at work
coffee with half a packet of no sugar added hot chocolate (1)
12:30 Lunch
Either a sandwich with 1.5 oz. turkey breast (1), whole wheat hamburger bun (2), Laughing Cow spreadable cheese (1)
1/2 cup brown rice (2) and 2 oz. chicken (2)
2:30-3pm Snack (some combination not to equal more than 2 pts.)
Diet coke (how I love thee)
carrots and 0 point dip
pretzels (2)
12 wheat thins (2)
5 almonds (1)
1/2 oz. raisins (1)
Applesauce (1)
4:15pm water, fruit (1) I can eat in the car on the way home from work
6pm Snack if going to jazzercise
hard boiled egg (2) and vegetables (0)
Dinner at 6 if no jazzercise, at 8:30 if I went to jazz.
Monday - chicken, edamame, sweet potatoes
Tuesday - whole wheat pasta, jarred sauce (suprisingly low in points) with about 1/2 ounce of ground beef per serving
Wednesday - chicken and black beans, low carb tortilla, vegetable ?
Thursday - nothing planned, maybe sushi
Friday - nothing planned, maybe sushi
Saturday - baked tilapia, broccoli, white potatoes
Sunday - chicken, green beans, sweet potatoes
9:30pm - Snack
popcorn (1-2 depending on serving size)
milk (1)
graham cracker (1)
yogurt (2) if I have enough points

If I go to Jazzercise in the evening, then I have an egg and whatever vegetable I've made for dinner around 6:15. Then I eat the carb/starch/protein portion of dinner when I come home. If I don't go to Jazzercise, then I try to skip the late afternoon snack and make it to 6pm to eat with my family.

I measure whatever I can for dinner, but portion size isn't really my issue - I can eyeball the chicken, the pasta, etc. Sweets are my issue. I don't consider it "bad" if I go over my points by 1-2 due to a dinner that is 6 points and I go to jazzercise. It's hard to get below 6 points for dinner !

So that's it. Here's my plan.


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